Foundations in Photography
Instructional offerings - Note: Classes are not currently available
Battleship Wisconsin with the city of Norfolk as a backdrop
Photo ID: 2013-10-25 Harbor 11
Who Should attend?
This is designed for everyone, from those who are just looking to improve their snapshots to aspiring photographers. It will be applicable no matter what type of photography you do or what type of camera you use, even if it's only the camera on your phone.
What should you expect?
Dramatically improve your photographs with this instructional session. This is essentially a Photography 101 type of class with a focus on composition. I'll teach you the steps to take to avoid the most common composition mistakes, along with teaching you how to create more interesting images. We'll discuss everything, from the rule of thirds, how to create depth in a photo, space, lines, balance, and more. I'll even cover a few bonus topics such as focus, when to use black and white, etc.
This is a single two hour session.
You are NOT required to have or bring a camera with you to this class.
You are NOT required to have any technical knowledge or photography experience.
Fee: $40
Moving Beyond Auto Mode
Taken at Oceana Naval Air Station
Photo ID: 2014-09-21 Oceana 422
Who should attend?
This is an instructional session for aspiring photographers and those who have been shooting in auto mode and are looking to take more control over their photography.
What should you Expect?
We'll discuss the exposure trifecta: aperture, shutter speed, and ISO, and how they work together. We'll discuss how to decide when to use each shooting mode; A, S or TV, and M.
I'll also teach you about clipping, how to read your camera's histogram, exposure bracketing, and more.
This is a single two hour session.
You must have a camera that has the capability of shooting in all three modes; A, S or TV, and M. Part of this session will be hands on testing of settings. The goal is to ensure everyone who attends has the technical knowledge needed to actually use what they learn.
Reading the camera's manual, or at least familiarizing yourself with the buttons prior to the class is strongly recommended.
Fee: $50
Moving Beyond Auto Mode - Extended Edition
Taken on the Eastern Shore
Photo ID: 2015-02-14 Chatham 066
Who should attend?
This is an instructional session for aspiring photographers and those who have been shooting in auto mode and are looking to take more control over their photography.
What to expect?
This is a two part session. In the first session, we'll discuss the exposure trifecta: aperture, shutter speed, and ISO and how they work together. We'll discuss how to decide when to use each shooting mode; A, S or TV, and M.
I'll also teach you about clipping, how to read your camera's histogram, exposure bracketing, and more.
After the first session, we take a break for a week where your homework is to go out and try out what you learned. You go on as many shoots as you like and then choose your 10 favorite images for evaluation and discussion with the group. This is a fun, class participation exercise that's immensely educational for budding photographers.
This is a two part class.
2 hours for the first session
1 to 3 hours for the second depending how many people we have in the class and how much fun we're having.
You must have a camera that has the capability of shooting in all three modes; A, S or TV, and M.
Reading the camera's manual, or at least familiarizing yourself with the buttons prior to the class is STRONGLY recommended.
Fee: $80
Extra Offering
For those who choose to shoot in their camera's RAW format, I'll process one or more images of yours after the shoot. $10 per image charge.
Field Shoot - Let's get out there and have some fun!
Taken at Norfolk Botanical Gardens
Photo ID: 2015-04-03 BG 020
Who should attend?
Novice and amateur photographers and those who have taken any of my other classes. Those looking to learn more about shooting in either aperture priority, shutter speed priority, or manual modes.
What to expect?
This is not really a class. Rather, it's an opportunity to have the invaluable experience of having an experienced photographer out in the field with you on a shoot to help you with composition, questions on how to achieve the best settings for a shot you'd like, evaluate your images, etc. in real time and offer tips or suggestions on how to improve on the spot.
You choose the location within the Virginia Beach/Hampton Roads area. Some options might be the beach and boardwalk, downtown Norfolk, Mount Trashmore, a local car show, your child's little league game, the *zoo, *Norfolk Botanical Gardens, Newport News Park, Back Bay Wildlife Refuge, etc.
This session can either be a general knowledge session where I just answer whatever questions you have as we go or be customized to a specific type of photography depending on what you'd like. For instance, if you have no experience shooting with a tripod, I can bring one and teach you how to use it. If you've never successfully shot action before, but want to learn how to capture your children's game, or your dog playing, we can go to a game or a dog park and focus specifically on the types of photos you want to shoot. If you want to learn how to capture flowing water (say for waterfall shots), we can go to a local fountain and I can show you that and so on. The choice is yours for a private session.
Minimum of 2 Hours - For most shoots, we'll be meeting at the chosen location 2 to 2.5 hours prior to sunset so that we're shooting in the best lighting conditions. If you choose something with a specific time, your child's soccer game for instance, this will not apply.
To get the most out of this experience, it's not required, but strongly recommended that you have a camera that can move beyond auto and that you try to shoot in either aperture, shutter priority or manual modes (or all three!) during the shoot.
It's also recommended that you've either taken one of my "Moving Beyond Auto Mode" classes or are already at least somewhat familiar with the different camera modes. My goal is to guide you and help you figure out the settings, not just give you the answers, so that you remember how to do it when I'm not there too.
Fee: $60 for a private session
Receive a $10 per person discount if you bring one or more friends (maximum 4 on a shoot)
Extra Offering
For those who choose to shoot in their camera's RAW format, I'll process one or more images of yours after the shoot. $10 per image charge.